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Packetcraft is now a Synaptics company!

“Baseband to Application” Embedded Software

Bluetooth 5.4 PAwR / ESL   |   LE Audio / Auracast   |   Channel Sounding   |   UWB   |   Full Source Code   

Packetcraft meets the constant evolution of short-range wireless technologies by providing early access solutions including Bluetooth® LE v5.4 and UWB enabling semiconductor and product companies to achieve greater product differentiation with more features and customization. Packetcraft can help you with Bluetooth LE Audio and Auracast broadcast audio, Bluetooth 5.4 for low-power sensor networks, automotive, as well as emerging technologies such as Channel Sounding for distance measurement. 

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Semiconductor Solutions


The latest Bluetooth features including 5.4 PAwR and LE Audio / Auracast, and Channel Sounding are available for early access. Supplementing semiconductor innovation with industry-leading capability along with ongoing maintenance and support.



Bluetooth LE Audio Solutions


Comprehensive offering of host, controller, and LC3 optimized and integrated to facilitate a simpler migration to Bluetooth LE Audio. Includes support for Auracast broadcast audio and TWS stereo, already ported to popular chipsets to deliverer flexibility for product companies.



Channel Sounding

The newest emerging Bluetooth technology offers high-accuracy distance measurement and location finding with a slew of applications and competitive use cases. 


World-leading customers and partners:

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